Tag: Android

  • Archos 101 internet tablet: Activate WLAN HTTP proxy settings in Android WebView

    Since firmware version 2.1.8 the Archos 101 internet tablet supports HTTP proxy settings. The proxy settings can be configured under “Settings > Wireless & network > wifi proxy settings”. To enable the HTTP proxy settings in a WebView one has to call WebView.enablePlatformNotifications() in the Activity’s onCreate() method: public class YourActivity extends Activity { @Override […]

  • Eclipse ADT & Google APIs: Fixing “MapActivity cannot be resolved to a type”

    After using the SDK Manager to download and install the Google APIs Add-On (see http://code.google.com/intl/de-DE/android/add-ons/google-apis/installing.html) one can start to develop Android applications that uses the Google services like Google Maps. After changing the parent class of your activity to MapActivity one has to select one of the Google APIs as “Android Built Target” (Right click […]

  • Windows: Android SDK installer does not find Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

    Update 2011-06-25: As suggested in the comments just clicking back button and then next again in the installer could bypass the problem. Thanks to Hatem and tikno07. I was trying to install the Android SDK tools using the Windows installer package recently. Since I had the Java JDK SE 6 Update 23 installed on my […]

  • Windows 7 64bit: ADB (Android Debug Bridge) & Archos 101 internet tablet

    Here are short step-by-step instructions how to connect ADB (Android Debug Bridge) with an Archos 101 internet tablet on Windows 7 64bit. IMHO, the instructions should also work on 32bit systems. After you have installed the Android SDK (see http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html) follow the instructions below: Download the Archos ADB drivers ftp://support.archos.com/ARCHOS%20it/ADB/adb_winusb_driver.zip Add a new line with […]

  • Android development: Restart application programmatically

    Here are two short code snippets that I used to restart my Android application programmatically. First, I added the following code in the onCreate method of the activity I would like to restart and saved references to the activity and the restart-intent to static attributes: […] @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); […] ACTIVITY […]

  • Hide Android (software) buttons on Archos 101 internet tablet

    On the Android tablet Archos 101 internet tablet the Android buttons (Home, Menu, Back and Search) are software buttons, and not hardware buttons like on most other Android devices. To hide theses Android buttons in your app, one has to add the following permission to AndroidManifest.xml (none-Archos devices that do not know the permission will […]