Apache 2: Set up Thawte SSL 123 Certificate
Here is a short tutorial how to set up a Thawte SSL 123 SSL certificate (a domain-only validation SSL Certificate). In a nutshell, it takes two steps: First, you need to create your private key and the certificate signing request to request the certificate. In a second step you need to configure your web server […]
Debian/Ubuntu: Basic Apache 2 security
Update 2010-10-25: I’ve added “TraceEnable Off” to the configuration (which is not the default on Debian). If you run an Apache 2 web server on a production system, it is always a good idea to make some easy configuration changes in /etc/apache2/conf.d/security to increase the server’s security: # Disable access, directory indexing and .htaccess files […]
Debian/Ubuntu & Apache 2: Transparent reverse proxy with mod_proxy
Here is a tutorial how to use the apache module mod_proxy to set up a transparent reverse proxy that passes all requests to another web server. Under Debian or Ubuntu you have to enable the modules proxy and proxy_http: # sudo a2enmod proxy # sudo a2enmod proxy_http A use case for a transparent proxy is […]
Ubuntu 10.04: Setup APC for PHP 5.3 and Apache2
Installing the APC (Alternative PHP Cache) using the php-apc package is straightforward: # sudo aptitude install php-apc # sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Using the package php-apc installs APC 3.1.3p1. If you would like to use the most recent version 3.1.4 you can manually set up the PECL package as follows: Install the required packages: # sudo […]
CACert.org & Apache2: Create and use free public key certificates
CAcert.org is a certificate authority that offers you free public key certificates. Here is a howto that explains the steps to be taken to create server certificate and how to use them with the Apache2 webserver. 1. Add the domain to your CACert.org account Login in your CACert.org account and add your domain (Domains > […]
Apache’s mod_rewrite & mod_proxy: Use “Reverse Proxy Request Headers” for rewrite rules
Imagine the following scenario: The URL to your site is your-public-url.com (hosted in a low-priced web package that only supports reroutings to other URLs). The “internal” URL to your site is your-internal-url.com (e.g. an DynDNS-URL to your home server). The hoster of your-public-url.com uses apache’s mod_proxy that acts in a reverse proxy mode to redirect […]