The following Java method tests if a string matches a wildcard expression (supporting ? for exactly one character or * for an arbitrary number of characters):
* @param text Text to test
* @param pattern (Wildcard) pattern to test
* @return True if the text matches the wildcard pattern
public static boolean match(String text, String pattern)
return text.matches(pattern.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?"));
Here are some tests for this method:
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "ELLO"));
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "HELLO"));
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "*HELLO"));
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "HELLO WORLD2"));
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "HELLO WORL"));
Assert.assertFalse(match("HELLO WORLD", "hello world"));
Assert.assertTrue(match("HELLO WORLD", "*ELLO*"));
Assert.assertTrue(match("HELLO WORLD", "HELLO*"));
Assert.assertTrue(match("HELLO WORLD", "*LLO*"));
Assert.assertTrue(match("HELLO WORLD", "HELLO WORLD"));
One response to “Java: Test if String matches wildcard expression”
// false-positive
Assert.assertFalse(match(“abctxt”, “*.txt”));