Category: Howto

  • Debian/Ubuntu: Multi network/gateway ip routing setup

    If you would like to connect your Debian or Ubuntu system to more than one network (e.g. with more than one physical or virtual network device) you could use the following ip routing setup to use a specific gateway for each network. Create a configuration file in /etc/network/if-up.d/ (like /etc/network/if-up.d/routing) and add one section for […]

  • XenServer 5.6: Network problems with r8169 kernel module

    Update 2010-10-21: Even with the new kernel module (r8168) the Hetzner monitoring reported short offline times now and then (about one ping failure every day). Compared to the old module (r8169) the problems occurred much less often. To examine the problem, I set up a cronjob to report the network status on the host system […]

  • XenServer 5.6: Tutorials to setup on Hetzner EQ root server

    Here is a list of tutorials I’ve used to setup the XenServer 5.6 on a Hetzner root server with paravirtualized Ubuntu 10.04 and Debian 5.0 guest systems. Some tutorials were written for XenServer 5.5, but they also worked with the new version 5.6. Host system Xenserver 5.5: Automatische Installation, sw raid1, lokale ISO library (German) […]

  • Ubuntu 10.04 & Tomcat 6: Improve performance with Apache Tomcat Native library

    To improve the performance of the Apache Tomcat Server you could use the Apache Tomcat Native library. To install the library just execute: # sudo aptitude install libtcnative-1 and add the following line to the file $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (create the file if it does not exist): export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH To verify the library is running you will […]

  • Howto remove Microsoft Office 2007 if uninstalling failed

    If you are not able to uninstall your Office 2007 suite using the Windows “Add or Remove Programs” feature the “Fix it” application in Microsoft’s knowledge base could help you ( If the list of installed software still contains the Office suite after the application has removed all files and registry entries just try Window’s […]

  • Ubuntu 10.04 & Java: Setup Sun JDK

    Since Ubuntu 10.04 the OpenJDK is the recommended default JDK and the Sun JDK has been removed from the multiverse repository. From the release notes: Sun Java moved to the Partner repository For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, the sun-java6 packages have been dropped from the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive. It is recommended that you […]