Ubuntu: Remove/Uninstall old kernel images
To clean up your Ubuntu system it could reasonable to remove old kernels from time to time. For example, if you use a separate /boot partition which have in most cases only some 100MBs space a lot of the kernel images could result in no free disk space. To list all kernels that are installed […]
ISA Server 2006 as Reverse Web Caching Proxy: Analyze “Object source” and “Cache Info” fields
When publishing content from a web server that is behind a ISA 2006 firewall, the ISA can be configured as Reverse Web Caching proxy, i.e. the ISA caches responses from the web server(s) and sends the cached content to the clients instead of requesting the content from the web servers again (see “Reverse proxy” on […]
Crashplan 3.8.2010: Fix “CrashPlan PRO Server failed to initialize – error 4001” on Linux
For any reason my Linux CrashPlan PRO Server (version 3.8.2010) crashed. The CrashPlan manager web user interface shows the error CrashPlan PRO Server failed to initialize – error 4001 After restarting the CrashPlan PRO Server the log (/var/log/proserver/com_backup42_app.log.0) shows the following error: […] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: File corrupted while reading record: “index not found 286”. Possible solution: […]
IIS 7.5 Application Pools: Understanding default identity “ApplicationPoolIdentity”
In former versions of IIS the default identity for application pools was “NetworkService“. Using this option, the application pool runs under the built-in and low-privileged Windows identity “NETWORKSERVICE“. The disadvantage of this (old default) option is that multiple services using the Windows identity “NETWORKSERVICE” are not isolated from each other, i.e. services could theoretically read, […]
IIS 7.5 on Windows 7: How to fix “HTTP Error 401.3 – Unauthorized”
If you try to run a web application on IIS 7.5 and Windows 7 and you get the following error HTTP Error 401.3 – Unauthorized You do not have permission to view this directory or page because of the access control list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource on the Web server. it […]
Microsoft IIS 7: Enable Client Side Browser Caching for static Content in Web.config
To optimize the performance of a web site that is hosted in Microsoft’s Internet Information Server 7 it is reasonable to enable client side browser caching for static content (like for example image files, CSS files or JavaScript files) that probably won’t change in the near feature. You can find more information and best practices […]