Apache’s mod_rewrite & mod_proxy: Use “Reverse Proxy Request Headers” for rewrite rules
Imagine the following scenario: The URL to your site is your-public-url.com (hosted in a low-priced web package that only supports reroutings to other URLs). The “internal” URL to your site is your-internal-url.com (e.g. an DynDNS-URL to your home server). The hoster of your-public-url.com uses apache’s mod_proxy that acts in a reverse proxy mode to redirect […]
Ubuntu 9.10: Setup APC for PHP5 and Apache2
Update 2010-09-25: There is a new blog post (“Ubuntu 10.04: Setup APC for PHP 5.3 and Apache2”) for Ubuntu 10.04. To set up the Alternative PHP Cache (APC) just follow the instructions below: Install the required packages: # sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev apache2-threaded-dev Install APC: # sudo pecl install apc Create file /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini with […]
fit-PC2 & BIOS Update: Preparing bootable USB image on Windows 7
Updating the BIOS on a fit-PC2 is generally straightforward. A detailed step by step instruction can be found in the fit-PC2 Wiki. The steps in a nutshell are: Download and extract bios_update.zip and the desired BIOS ROM File. Create a bootable USB stick with the provided image. Boot the fit-PC2 with the USB stick and […]
fit-PC2: Fixed (random) system freezes on Linux
My fit-PC2 home server (randomly) freezes under Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 9.10. I think the problem described here is not distribution specific, but hardware or kernel specific. First of all the system seems to be frozen at random. After some testing, I was able to reproduce the problem when operating with large amount of files, […]